*Discipline, concentration, and determination are the key issues now. I will pay more attention to this when i look at more transits to the relationship axis. Its been a bit long, but overall Pluto transit through 7th does transform but it can be for the better while it is tough. Any suggestions how long main misery will endure??? This book is an exploration of Pluto both in the natal chart and in transits and progressions. I feel for you. Transiting Pluto offers us the chance to evolve and to rebirth. Passions are strong and intense. My younger sibling has end stage MS and is in a death grip so hard to deal with end of life issues and all the loss. There is an average minimum of 2 years for every Pluto transit. . Another major theme with the natal Pluto conjunct Ascendant is the constant transformation through pain and death.Transit Pluto conjunct Ascendant can test personal relationships as well. I have this natally within 2deg orb, and pluto also opposes my taurus sun exactly. How we have defined ourselves to date is now challenged. Struggling now to get it back. Transiting Pluto through Seventh House. He was leaving without saying anything so I said so thats it, youre done?. These transits are generally not for keeps and Pluto is not interested in that uncertainty. ~Your perspective on what you want from life, what you are willing to do to get it and the values that you want to express undergoes a change. Middle school, to be precise, which is miserable for most people. The transit will test your ambitions: how well you have planned your course of action, how hard you have worked in the past, how efficient you have become. I am also partners with other relatives of mine in other businesses, and those dynamics have changed too. Conspiracy theories, paranoid thinking. Your relationships will be transformed but so will how you relate to close friends and family members. I understand because of what I went through with my back, among other things. #3. There is the possibility of attracting a member of the underworld set, someone who is already attached or someone who is looking only for sex, rather than a person capable of making both the sacrifices and the commitment you deem necessary. we used to work so well together in our own business, but once this new offer came through, everything changed. If you are married or in a similar relationship, powerful forces or a dramatic event will change the relationship dynamics. This can also be an especially creative transit. 25deg Cancer ASC (also 29deg Cap Mercury). You feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before. Its also pulling in my 26-degree cancer mercury and my 26-degree capricorn north node. We confront our dark sidethose parts of us that are raw, primal, and instinctive. Pluto Opposite Ascendant Transit When transiting Pluto forms an opposition with your natal ascendant, you will become initiated into a time period of intense regeneration within your relationships. You stubbornly pursue your interests, and you are willing to work long hours without complaint. *During this time period, relationships deepen and grow, and penetrate to a very personal level. Especially males with this transit may encounter Pluto themes through a female. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Your energy is high now and needs to be directed into constructive channels rather than expended in reckless rebellion. Your relationships will be transformed but so will how you relate to close friends and family members. I think long-term. The unearthing of creative potential and vitality. During this time period, you are thinking about and learning about something that may previously have been taboo, unseen, unspoken about, or in the dark. So conjunct my 28 Cap midheaven. Pluto Conjunct Moon. Pluto Transits Square Saturn Dramatic changes that strike at the heart of the sense of self. If you attack someone without cause, this transit could negatively transform your life. My life has changed quite a bit. Many people are inspired to build up their physical strength during this astrological influence, and this is a good idea; you can develop greater endurance and vitality now, which will rejuvenate your body. You tend to become impassioned about your ideas, and you are inclined to feel very strongly about your ideas. Underlying motives come to the surface and relationships become deeper and more meaningful. +Your mental energies (ideas, thoughts, and so on) may undergo some transformation or change, a natural sense of growth and development. I found the strength to go at it and eventually recover my money. Tr. There can be issues of manipulation, Pluto conjunct Ascendant in Synastry With this synastry aspect, Pluto is immensely attracted to how the Ascendant person presents themselves. Pluto will join my ASc and oppose Mars on DSC coming in a few years on 5 degrees Aqua. The aim should be to weed out problematic areas, ego attachments, and bad habits that have been holding you back from living in the best possible way. A great deal of nostalgia, love, and perhaps anger or jealousy, are activated now. **Please note: Some of my recommended products contain affiliate links. Its me!!! Sample from the Heaven Knows What report. Your social presence may be larger than life, so a little charm goes a long way now. Thats rough, Belen. It is common with Pluto conjunct Descendant transit for a significant new relationship to begin. You may act in a more selfish or ambitious manner, and this intensity might even surprise you. Pluto entered his 12th house (Sag.) The power was given to the husband leaving me dangerously drained. Hello Jaime, how long is this transit? Her Rising is 1 Leo. I understand better who he is, who I am, and why I always chose the relationships I chose both personally and professionally. Interestingly, I dont know how this happened because I am a very sensitive, empathnever hurt a soul yet I am suffering deeply while hes flying high. My natal Ascendant us at 24 Leo and my natal Venus at 24 Libra. Mars conjunct Sun Taking action is the theme now. Pluto hasnt hit my DSC yet, but it will in 2023. Nought strange as folk, ezpecially cloned ones, regulated to operate by habitual trained routine. Pluto Conjunct Sun Transit Pluto Sextile Sun Transit Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year aheadover 100 pages longfor a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more. Pluto opposite Ascendant transit is sometimes called Pluto conjunct Descendant transit. Pluto Transits Sextile Ascendant Work youve done might pay off, and you are able to manage your finances better, with more attention to planning and strategy, as well as the elimination of frivolous expenditures. Look to planets in Aries (and Scorpio) in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Pluto is now infusing with intensity. This comes from a deep fear of letting go and surrendering to the idea that some things cannot be directed or controlled. Venus conjunct Pluto This is an "all or nothing" energy. This influence gradually brings changes to the basic domestic structure. Yesterday, I noted that he is currently tied up on a very short leash. Avoid this; aim for an attachment based on love, trust, and a genuine relationship that will deepen, not disintegrate, with time. It may be easy or difficult to handle - depending on the planets involved as well as the consciousness of the person. All the best and Happy New Year! I have lost 60 lbs, from 220 to 160. If your intense need for a partner combines with your fascination with the dark side of life, then you could end up associating with addicts and criminals. Psychological insight, intolerance for superficiality. I sacrificed more and more until one day I couldnt bend anymore. Concentrating and getting down to really essential ideas are facilitated during this time period. A critical point would then be reached where an intervention, dramatic event, or violent incident forces you to recognize and admit you have a psychological problem and seek help. This very positive aspect makes you sociable and popular. +Your career can end up at right angles to your own inner sensitivities and need for growth and change. It means that one-to-one relationships will become more intense and have a far greater impact on your life. Give yourself time to assimilate what you are learning, and balance your intense mental focus with pleasant, nourishing, simple activities. Group work is very powerful and positive for you now, especially if the focus is on conscious awareness, deeper learning, healing, or combining energies to create positive changes in the collective (media, education system, etc.). If not: it should. Studies you undertake now are compelling, deeply fascinating, and may well transform your ordinary way of thinking about and perceiving the world. Thus if you have Mars configured to Pluto, the transits, progressions and directions involving the Lord Hades will inevitably intimate a Martian quality. In some cases, women live this transit through key male figures in their lives. New levels of intimacy, not only with others but also with ourselves, are discovered and uncovered. Pluto challenges this script. New relationships formed now seem fateful and, at the very least, timely. Pluto represents death, sex, intimacy, shared resources, rebirth, and transformation. You will have to watch out for a tendency to become so wrapped up in your personal goals that you forget your responsibilities to others. Surely you cannot see this transit in isolation. Sooo, i have Aldebaran Ascendant , which means that i have Antares Descendant, both Square to Venus, Also i have Venus Square Pluto (017), I read your post about Venus Square Pluto, that i need to learn to love myself, which i successfully achieved and my life turned upside down for the better, but still i am curious what can i expect from relationships, Jamie, I have Also Sun Conjunct Spica (103) & Arcturus(039) Alongside Mars Trine Jupiter (036). Your relationships may be intense, complicated, or entangled at this time. More positive manifestations of Pluto conjunct Descendant include forming profound connections with people that are too deep for words to explain. You may find yourself acting clingy, jealous, possessive, and suspicious. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Transit When transiting Pluto forms a conjunction with your natal ascendant, you will enter a powerful period of time. You are learning to focus your energy and rid yourself of wasteful or unnecessary activities. I attract all this kind of people, powerful, succesful, intense, obsesive. Pluto is now opp ,y ascendant, but at the same time is sextile my Saturn and sextile my MC, therefore Trine my DC. Plutos action is to bring up buried emotions. You feel greater empowerment to pursue your aspirations and claim greater personal power in your life. As a result of this persons influence, you should enjoy more personal power and influence. He has been doing more with Better Up and proselytizing about mental health as if he is a professional psychologist. Secrets come out into the open, and conversations have a greater sincerity and depth than usual. Whether this religious growth is along institutional or personal lines depends on what you feel is missing from your life. My Partner opened his own business, while I was unemployed You are likely to experience events that highlight the need to trust, let go, and have faith. This is truly the dark night of the soul most epic battle. Its fair to say, this had to have transformed his appearance. It means you have intense one-to-one relationships that can profoundly change your lifes direction. He's caught up in this, obviously. Down deep into the unconscious mind, where it stays until youre clear enough and strong enough to handle resurrecting it and really going beyond it. Depending on how frustrating your life has been, the changes coming your way can undermine the very foundations of your security. Your attitude and perspective change dramatically at this time. A healthy relationship should survive, although it will have transformed significantly by the time this transit is over. Ask yourself why you identify with a particular object, position or person and how you feel you would become less yourself if you lost it. This slow-moving planets transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. As an adult, I reconnected and built a comfortable relationship that was always arms distance as we lived on different coasts. You may be unable to put some of your insecurity and sense of change into words, to communicate them. Even on a physical level, you may want to repair and rebuild before a crisis occurs.Sample from our Time Line Forecast Report. Youre stuck! A few days later, my moon progressed into Aquarius and Pluto stationed to direct towards my DC again. This period of time will bring enormous changes in the way you approach your life and how you relate to other people. Pluto Transits Conjunct Ascendant This does sound outrageous. Pluto transits to Venus stimulate your desires to share pleasures with significant others and with friends in perhaps unusual or especially sensitive ways. Its currently in my 6th, and I have three maladies that I didnt have before (I am 72), all around my head. I am on repeated aggravation Shitty feel, ad nauseum I need courage to know those 10,000,000 Help wanted signs ,are real !!! Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. All in-depth research is favored now. See Also: Pluto transiting the houses. pluto is also coming into a trine with my natal pluto at 29-degrees virgo. Jamie on April 3, 2021 Hi Michelle. You said it did for that person you wrote about. At the same time pluto will also begin to square natal pluto loosely (10 degrees). Look to the houses of your natal chart with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp for areas of your life where Pluto is stimulating. I had a boundary of my own. At this point in your life, your current situation seems too restrictive and confining. Meeting with obstacles in your path, however, can force you into the position of using all of your resources to fight back, and you can discover resources you never knew you had in the process. Youve been hurt. There is an excellent chance that your life will be positively transformed by someone who changes the course of your life. You seek intensity in your life and in your relationships, and you become more aware of hidden sides of your personality, untapped talents and interests, and also emotional blocks or confusions. How can two grown up people make such a mess in order to attract a world wide attention? I dont know what is going on but I do feel different. Thanks, Jamie. I only include these because it comes at no cost to the buyer -- there are no additional charges and it does not cost a customer anything extra to buy through an affiliate link. If you purchase a product through my links, I may receive a small commission. It is a time of births and deaths, (literally as well as metaphorically), and these will have a powerful impact upon you and your decisions. A tendency to want to control your life through some form of manipulation is strong during this influence. These transits take a relatively long time. Wow I have pluto in scorpio 25 20 opp ascendant in taurus 23 12 with a t-square to my sun in leo 26 59. If we do this, Plutos energy has to go somewhere, so we end up meeting Pluto in our lives in the guise of events and people. But no more! Home / Aspects / Pluto Aspects / Pluto Opposite Ascendant. !no buoy ,no net Just me going Yeaaaaahhh!eyes closed I know there is no wall but yes A vasty sky! A social, outspoken person. Transit Pluto conjunct, square or opposite Ascendant: Empowerment of Identity Similar to natal Pluto-Ascendant aspect, transiting Pluto in hard aspect with the Ascendant might suggest a time when your identity goes through an empowering transformation, in effect making you a different person. This major transit challenges you to find meaning in your life through romantic connections and partnerships. You are likely to adopt a rather austere and intense routine during this time period. 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